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Bow Classes:

- NASP/Genesis: Bows with no sights and no stabilizers. Only the stock unmodified GenesisTM bow approved for NASP may be used. 

- Recurve: Bows may be equipped with a single sighting device, single pin, multiple pin, or hunting style sights: may not be equipped with string peeps or string marks for rear sight. Mechanical release aids are not permitted.

- Barebow: Bows may not be equipped with sights or sighting marks. Must not have kisser buttons, peep sights, or cushion plungers. Mechanical release aids are not permitted. Bows may have wrights added, but must be in compliance with USA shooting rules.

- Compound Unaided: Bows may not be equipped with magnified sights or stabilizers. Bows may be equipped with single pin or multiple pin sights. Mechanical release aids, or string peeps are not permitted.

- Compound Aided: Bows may be equipped with magnified sights and stabilizers. Mechanical release aids are permitted. No laser, range finding, or holographic sights permitted.


Target: 60cm targets for Recurve/Barebow, 40cm targets for Compound/Genesis

18 yards


3D Archery: Each target will have a center scoring area of the animal

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